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溶出仪 |
产品型号:BioDis RRT9 参考价格:
产地:英国 产品编号:LB1121 |
创新点 |
仪器介绍 |
The USP method 3 and 7 are the perfect R&D tools for tablets, granules, pellets and powders which require multiple media change in combination with a test run duration of 72 hours max. With USP method 3 and 7, samples are loaded inside acrylic glass test stations (6 or 7) which are sealed by membrane filters so the disintegrated particles remain inside when the test station moves from one row of vessels to the next row (from one kind of media to the next one). Due to his method of testing up to 6 media changes can be performed automatically. Additional changes can be performed with manual interaction. Another application for USP method 3 and 7 is to perform a dissolution test already in fractions. Instead of taking samples periodically (i.e. after 15, 30, 45 minutes) the complete test-station may be moved from one to the other vessel row at the time of the sampling interval. Therefore the use of USP 3 or 7 may eliminate the sampling procedure, which may be very helpful for those products that normally show problems with sampling due to filtration, tubing, foaming etc.
技术特点 |
•36 test stations in 6 rows (standard configura-tion). Each row with 6 stations and 2 vials for reference purposes •Cylindrical flat bottomed glass vessels 250ml (media volume) •Glass reciprocating cylinders fitted with mesh screens top and bottom •Speed adjustable from 5 - 40 strokes/min., accuracy better than +- 0.5%, Height of Stroke 100 mm •External PT100 temperature sensor •Water bath of 40 litres volume incl. immersed volume of dissolution vessels, 6mm clear acrylic glass •Agitator shafts made of 316 stainless steel, vessel racks in Teflon Coated stainless steel •Cylinders will automatically centre inside the vessels •Evaporation Losses is prevented by a covering system •Internal machine software permits manual control of the unit through the control pad. In-creasing levels of offline automation are vail-able through the internal software but further online automation is available using a PC with Windows Software.
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